Jun 19, 2009

Pregancy Magazine


So I woke up this morning, was all groggy and such (no coffee yet in my system) and I got a really sweet e-mail from Barbara who has a shop on Etsy called LilDabDesigns, congratulating me on my Pregancy Magazine mention. I was stumped. Really? I was? So.... I happened to have plans to meet my Mom this morning and one of our stops was Chapters/Indigo. So while she was looking for her book, I darted towards the magazine aisle and found the magazine and feverishly flipped through - and there it was - my print!

I was so honoured to be in this magazine, but also to be surrounded by some amazing artists that I totally admire on that page. I walked madly through the store (really, I looked possessed) and found my Mom. I must have looked ridiculous. And I showed her and she screamed ..."There you are!!!" ...I think we startled some people. And then we went for Sushi to celebrate. And that, my friends, was my morning. :)

The only unfortunate thing is, is that they totally got the pricing + size wrong in the magazine. It states that the print is 13x9 & $15.00. When it's actually 13x19 (not 9) and it's $25.00. If you're interested in the $15 print, then you'll want the 8x10 size. You can see the sizing + prices online here at www.pennypeople.etsy.com


  1. Oh, wow! That is awesome. Congratulations!

    Jen :)

  2. That's great exposure for you! Too bad about the mistake though.

  3. I can't believe they didn't fact check the article. Yours is the cutest, btw, which is probably why I have TWO of your prints in my house!


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